
My third day in Mexico is coming to an end, and I cannot believe than within 72 hours my perspective of things has already been shaken in strongly positive ways. I am not sure if the reason behind this amazing transition is the beautiful sunsets, the welcoming Mexican community here in Bucerias, or the awesome team of Human Connections (HC), but I can definitively say that every minute of it has been fulfilling me personally and professionally.

On our first day I got to meet some of the HC' staff, go around of housing area and eat delicious tacos! Even though I truly thought that this country was going to be exactly like where I am from, Colombia, I can tell that they are differences and that I still have so much to learn about the Mexican culture. This has made everything more meaningful since although my educational background has been very open minded and global, I am realizing that there is uniqueness within every place and every culture, and that it cannot be completely understood through the pages of a book or the media. In other words, each of us has to visit a culture and see how life it is in a place through our own eyes in order to affirm that we know about that place.

Yesterday, we got the opportunity to play the role of HC's clients and got a "Day Tour" with Maya, like any other tourist. We visited three of HC's business partners: Teresa, she makes jewelry with tiny beads, Ronaldo, a tapestries weaver, and Nallely, a restaurant owner. It was amazing how each of them built their business from scratch and with few resources, and now all of them have established mechanism to run their activities. In addition, it was very inspiring how proud they are of what they do and how open they were about showing us how everything works. I feel it was a great way to start this internship since we all got a sense of what the company does, the community, and the area.

Furthermore, today, we had our first walk to work, which could not be more especial. Is a 10 minute walk within local markets, small businesses, the main plaza of Bucerias and plenty of "Buenas" and friendly faces coming from the locals. Moreover, the discussions and activities we had today were very useful to get to know better the other students form NIU and the staff because all of them included interesting talks about deep topics. Personally, I think that we are a very diverse group which is great, it is going to help bring more ideas to the table, and will help us leverage even more the importance of working with different kind of personalities.

Overall, after these days I have been thinking on the word "first", first time traveling with people I do not know, first time in Mexico, first time I eat cactus, etc. , and how does this concept of novelty impacts us as individuals and enrich our capacities. I think this is very important, to try new things and test yourself out of your comfort zone, since by challenging your routine and common beliefs is how we can really experience humanity and the meaning behind everyone's actions and thoughts.

Tomorrow, we are going to start the project we are going to be working on for the next three weeks and I am excited to see what is going to be the final result.

I am more than grateful to be here and share this experience with people that I am constantly learning from!!!


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